


Set Presto Audio Player Font

Change page id number. In this example the id is 225. You will find the Page id in the body tag when using Browser inspector.

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New! — Filter YouTube Comments by "?" using JavaScript in Browser Console. Also Highlights the Question Marks! Also Copy to output to Clipboard!

Code Snippet Disclaimer: This code snippet is provided "as is" without warranty. The author(s) and distributor(s) are not liable for any loss of data, including clipboard contents, or any other damages resulting from its use. Users implement this code at their own risk. By using this snippet, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree, do not use it.

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Single Post Custom Taxonomy Slug to Body Class.

Code is not Specific to any custom plugin, ACF Or Metabox. Just add the relevant taxonomy key.

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Bricks Builder Form data to FunnelKit Automations

WagePirate tutorial:

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WeTransfer Button on WooCommerce TY + Shortcode

In Custom Thank you page use [wetransfer_button] to display WeTranfer file request button. Do this in a FunnelKit TY page Template

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